Sunday, November 14, 2010


This is why I hate ethics.

Draw the Line is a new campaign that seeks to foster dialogues between 'young people' about what is considered to be appropriate for a 'respectful relationship', and what is considered to be 'crossing the line'. Apparently in Australia, we are united as a community "about things that are unacceptable". I don't know about you, but I wouldn't have a clue what we should consider to be 'acceptable' behaviour for a 'respectful relationship'. I don't think I have any 'respectful' relationships.

If the Australian Government wants to inscribe their moral standards upon me, they couldn't have found a more patronising way of doing it. Someone should draw the line at paternalistic campaigns that do little more than censor my sexual behaviour.

Is anyone else peeved that women have come up with this absurd campaign that seeks to define what I am allowed to consider a 'respectful relationship'? What the hell is a respectful relationship?

Seriously considering some bondage action. In drag, gagged and being fucked with a dildo, filming it and sending it to Tanya Plibersek. What would her thoughts on consent be then?

Anyway, I'm off to stalk someone at a place where they're known to visit regularly (home, work, school, social or leisure) and threaten my dog into performing sexual acts.

More gender-love, Evilboy.

1 comment:

  1. I think The Line site is just another opportunity for blissful procrastination, with their whole "Draw your line" slash "Here, scribble, now post it!" eg:
    No but seriously, I have doubt in the campaign's effectiveness, but don't have a problem with the government telling me that "Forcing or tricking another into sexual acts against their will or consent" is "crossing the line". More good than harm can become of the other issues being raised too.
