Sunday, November 14, 2010

More on Being Gangsta

In the vein of being disappointed with how your life ended up...

I once thought I would be a fucking awesome drug dealer/pimp. You know the kind of person I mean - like, when you walk into a club and everyone flocks to you to buy some pills from the little bag that you have sewn into your underpants (having - of course - just come from an international flight of drug-topia)...

Anyway, whilst walking into the trendy-melbourneite-club where girls have bangs and profess polymorphous sexualities, I would immediately pick up and spend the night having screaming intercourse with some tight-jeaned, fringe-and-blazer-clad boy who plays The Smiths on Sunday mornings after fucking to Felling Good (Nina Simone).

Instead, I spend Friday night hoping to pick up with a trendy-lesbian who will forward my social status (so that next time I go to a queer party people won't scoff at me) and Saturday night at a pub where it's cool to scream eighties ballads to the girl on the stage who likes to show off her elle mcpherson underwear.

Anyway, my dog just ate half my maccas burger, I have to go finish the rest.

(Guess who sister-Alex.)


1 comment:

  1. Maybe we should have called this blog "Sam and Sian are disappointed with their lives"
