Monday, December 5, 2011


LFOW is the seventh hit when you google "People with Purple Beards".

I'm way groovy.

The Chillenos

I'm back in Santiago and the weather is rather marvellous. As is the food, wine and company, but for some reason I'm ridiculously conservative.

You see, los estudiantes here are on strike. Not having a protest, not camping out in the city-center having sex in tents and complaining about god knows what, but literally not going to class. They haven't been to class in six months. Normally I would be in support of such action, but the high school students are now striking as well. Also they throw rocks and downtown is always flooded with tear-gas.

From what I can understand with my limited spanglish and Mother's intelligent student-type friends that read a lot of Satre (I know, how retro!) is that the protests are really about wealth distribution, but also about a static class structure. I understand that it must be frustrating to be stuck in a public university that doesn't allow you to get a job to live north-side, but I just don't think that student striking is the way to go. Doesn't that sort of completely defeat the purpose? They're ceasing study in order to study.

Not sure what I would do differently, but it would involve less rocks, more peace and I'm guessing a wider-range of fun activities that involve alcohol.

You have to wonder why no one has heard of these fandangled strikes, don't you? Even so, if they were on the news in Melbourne I would probably be excited. Here I'm just frustrated that all the streets are closed and old, pretty buildings are sullied with graffiti.

More on hiking boots, ambassadors and cuicos. As well as the inside of a car, Harry Potter audiobooks and glaciers. Oh so many glaciers to come. I'll try to add some photos as well.

