Saturday, December 18, 2010

How a Taximan saved my life

Last night I went to see Pablo play with his band Applejack. The series of events that lead me to become lost somewhere in the West of Brunswick go as follows:

- Drank for two hours before getting in a cab from house.
- Poured a large portion of the remaining goon into two bottles.
- On arrival, my sweet friend Josh who is normally v. quiet starts to demonstrate his techtonic skillz to the soundtrack of applejack playing folkypoppy music.
- The goon is poured into three glasses.
- Aforementioned friend goes for a smoke.
- Applejack finishes, I'm a) desperate for a smoke; and b) a bit worried about josh because it's been about half an hour.
- We don't find Josh.
- Next band plays. We dance, I drink more goon. We figure Josh took himself home (as he does this often).
- I discover that I am horribly drunk, and someone yells that they spotted Josh walking away from where we were.
- Josh is found, and I later find out he spent half an hour passed out in his own vomit.
- Skip an hour of smoking and dancing to nineties trash and I'm taking a hit from a maroon bong somewhere in West Brunswick.
- I nearly vomit, decide to not inflict that upon a room of people I have only just met and run to the gutter.
- I call my sweet, darling friend Sian (who happens to write this blog with me) and we decide that I'm too drunk to be calling Perth for directions in Brunswick, and I have a sneaky suspicion that I'm walking in the wrong direction.
- Ten minutes of me walking towards Flemington instead of Sydney road (look it up) I discover the life-saving-abilities of taxi-men. Here's why:

1. They let you have the window open when you think you're going to vomit.
2. They alert you to the fact that you aren't walking towards your home, in fact you're heading exactly the wrong way.
3. They stop at seven eleven for you to pick up a sandwich, powerade and microwave pizza. Score.

I profusely thanked my taxi-man and I'm guessing he ripped me off because I woke up with half a sandwich missing and only $20 in my wallet.



1 comment:

  1. You also started whispering part way through the conversation so I couldn't hear or understand you.
