Sunday, December 19, 2010

For Samantha

You're not on chat so I'm telling you about the shenanigans of Saturday night here. For the few readers who aren't Sam, my friend and I threw a party at The Deen (gross, I know but it's cheap for students) because we're both going on exchange next year. I can't remember a whole freakin' lot of last night so I'm assuming it was good.

Lloyd and I demanded that everyone buy our drinks because they didn't turn up before 8pm so we missed out on our bar tab.
Drank many, many free vodka, lime and sodas.
Got kicked out of my own party for falling off a bar stool. The security guy also told me to eat a kebab. I had a burger. I vaguely remember thinking it was fucking good.
Had a sneaky pash with Lloyd.
Went to Amps with Rob but we couldn't be bothered waiting in the giant line so we went to The Moon with Lloyd and his friends. Drank some more. Attempted to visit vom city but I didn't make it.
Made friends with and shared several cigarettes with a skimpy while waiting for the train. Can't remember her name. She had an impressive rack.
Walked home (at about 2am) bare foot because I had a blister the size of a 20 cent coin on my heel. Dropped my phone about 10 times as I drunkenly jogged/stumbled from the train station (in the right direction of my house), in attempt to get home faster so I could get a decent amount of sleep before work at 8am.
Slept through my alarm, was late for work and was almost caught by my boss's dad (who owns Carine Glades shopping centre) having a vom out the back.

Apart from the fact that I've had that feeling that I said something I shouldn't have all day, I'd say it was a success.

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