Monday, March 7, 2011

My Monopoly Life

When I play Monopoly I imagine myself as a gangster. Obviously these delusions are aided by alcohol and the valium I stole from my father, but they remind me of one of my very first posts.

I sit in the kitchen on a white swivel chair with The Hussy, Yhana and occasionally Muffin or sister-Al. We start fast - slowly buying up every property we land on - and I imagine that we're spending big with profits made via cocaine sales and rich, young student's naivety with regards to the price of marijuana. Then, once purchases are made we sit in our multi-million dollar mansions waiting until one of us tries to stoop the other. I might put a 'brothel' on Old Kent Road, and use the light blue properties for open houses and meth labs. The rest are property investments. Gradually, the price of cocaine increases and the students get richer and more stupid.

Finally we get to the stage where a meeting has to be called. I wear my most expensive sunglasses, have a glass of rum&coke in hand and we draw up the wants and needs of each party involved. Perhaps The Hussy wants one last red property to provide a home for their latest favorite hoe, or to force Yhana off the board - Muffin is looking to improve the quality of his meth. Sometimes I'm tempted to keep minutes, or even buy cigars to increase the real-life-effect of my structured play - swap my rum&coke for some grappa or bluesapphire.

This is the closes I have and will ever come to being a man-of-the-mafia.

We usually end just before the first person goes bankrupt, and just after 10mg of valium warps my judgement. I am usually the first to go bankrupt.

Kind Regards,

The Chairman of the Monopoly-Board.

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