Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Awkward Facebook Moments

I'm conscious of the fact that the only people who read this probably just clicked on a link from my facebook, so I shall preface this with an apology to people who recognise themselves in this...

- When you fuck someone and don't swap numbers, but facebook names (totally unromantic, right? probably a testament to my pillow-talk). Then you spend approximately three days avoiding chat because you don't want to be the first person to initiate first-non-coital-contact. Only to get drunk and inbox them.

- When you have a really unsatisfactory chat conversation and have to go offline mid-conversation with someone else because you lied and said you needed to pee, eat, sleep or smoke. Only to get drunk and inbox them.

- When you've had an argument with someone and you have to constantly see their names on news feed. Only to get drunk and send them a nasty inbox.

- Family and Family Friends on facebook. Just don't do it! The evidence of my first year in college is all over the interwebs - and I like it like that! What I don't like is when my mother calls me and tells me to quite smoking or that she heard I had passed out in a pub ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD.

- When you accidentally-on-purpose add someone you've been staking and they don't know who you are.

- When your stalking goes three steps too far and you end up going to the events stalk-ee has clicked 'attending' to.

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