Saturday, February 26, 2011


Unlike Sian, I have never considered the speed at which my nails grow. This is perhaps related to the fact that I am not studying at the moment.

Also I'm guessing a large portion of you have already read slutever's post on ladypornday. It has made me consider my porn-watching habits - and I also happened to be speaking to my Hussy friend who admitted to never/rarely watching porn. Guess what? I do! Here's some dot points on why/what/how..

- Submission is fabulous. Age adds an immediate power dynamic that I'm kind of into. I've always had tutor/lecture fantasies, which naturally leads to watching babysitter/student-teacher fantasies.
- There must be a story-line of some description.
- Usually I will only watch to generate more fantasies. My imagination is way cooler than watching a silicone-stuffed, exaggerated orgasm.
- Amateur porn takes off the edge. The real-er the better.
- Erotic fictions is also pretty marvelous. I can't remember where I read this but I'm pretty sure it's incredibly common for women to immediately feel guilty/disgusting after orgasm via porn. I liken it to la petit mort, but instead of sighing and wondering what to say to the boy/girl who caused your climax/anti-climax you snap the laptop closed and dread remembering the details of what you just watched. Fiction takes the edge off, because at least you're not guilty about the poor girl that just had to endure dry-sex for you to come.

Hope you don't mind the over-share.

Oh, the new layout is courtesy of my sister, Al. She actually took that photo in Argentina. It's obviously still in need of some tweaking - she's in the process of learning how to use photoshop.


  1. Pretty sure writing creative fiction and studying old movies has nothing to with thinking about my nails.
    I watched this super hot/disgusting gang bang porno that I found through Lady Porn Day links.
    Also, I disagree with your last point. Or I think it's stoopid if that is the case. Women should enjoy porn if they want to. Gender stereotypes shit me.

  2. Disagree with your second point, storyline's are a waist of time. And I can't really relate to your last point about feeling guilty/dirty.
    But I am liking the amount of discussion on this subject at the moment. And am reminded of friends who never touch this subject, and quite possibly never touch themselves.
