Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Can-Do Man

My Dad has been dubbed by most of my friends/me as the Can-do man - which I have no doubt he will take great pride in regaling to his friends and family now that I've told him. Anyway, he's a bit of an eccentric character, and I have inherited most of my character-traits from him so I thought I would let you know what he's all about...

- He is completely preoccupied with death. When we go to a wedding he will lean close to Alex or I and say "you have to get married before I die!", or once when we had guests over for dinner we spoke at length about which way people would like to be disposed of when they die. Luckily for Trevor, he already has a space in the closest graveyard reserved for him - which he takes great pride in reminding us of.

- He calls his very few friends 'cobbers', and when counting these he includes the family dog, Ralph, whom he also believes will die at the same time as himself. When he comes home after a long time away he sings to Ralph, as well. Occasionally he worries that if he took Ralph to Chile with him, he wouldn't be able to communicate with all the other dogs. He calls this his 'theory'.

- My father mines things for a living, but still proclaims to be an environmentalist. I have tried to argue with him at length about this, but most conversations end with something similar to "I am invaluable to the world. Goodnight"

- He calls the remote a "multi-lazer-twister-operator", "multi-lazer" for short - which Alex and I believed was the correct name for years. Until one-day I asked a friend to pass me the "multi-lazer" and they had no idea what I was talking about. Instead of tucking us in at night he used to give us a 'gossimer' which involved pulling our sheet up until it was in the air and letting it fall down over us.

- When I was born, he named me after the hill in Japan he was working at called "Hudgimoto" (or same-sounding with different letters). I've forever been "big-hudge" to Alex's "little-hudge".

This might explain to some of you a few of my oddest behaviours.



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