Monday, January 17, 2011

anything about 25 degrees

I hate summer. Everything is sweaty, and I always run out of deodorant at the worst times. Also the world doesn't produce enough ice and air conditioning to render me comfortable in the heat. With an upcoming month spent in sunnyol' Western Australia everything has suddenly become a little more ominous.

Here are a few things that I hate about Summer:

- Sweat
- That feeling where you're in bed with just a sheet and you're imagining snow and rain and fog and hail, and if there would just be the slightest amount of breeze you could convert to Christianity. Hell, I would become Mormon on those nights. A few sister-wives would do me just fine.
- Smelly Trams. I can't really remember what the deal is in Perth, but I'm assuming that the busses and trains are air conditioned. Well, unfortunately not all of the trams are. Back when I had a job and the world was a darker place, I would get on that peak-hour tram and want to die. When there's sweat pouring down your face which you can' swipe away because you're hanging on for dear life and the guy next to you has his arm up to keep balance and he smells of an entire day of sweat all you can do is buy an icey-pole at the closest seveneleven.
- Festival fashions. I just spent a little while going through photos of Perth's stereosonic. I won't post them because that seems a little too harsh (although Sian probably would), but there are ways of wearing clothes that aren't too hot without looking like you're prepared for some soft porn. I feel a little dubious about those shorts where the pockets are longer than the denim-part, also dico-ball-esque bras.

The one thing I like about summer is that all the kids are out. I went to the art gallery with projectile-josh and nearly stole a baby.

Doesn't this just make you feel p/maternal?

1 comment:

  1. Muahahaha! I hate summer too!
    It was fun watching the cat get rained on while she meowed at the back door.

    RatKid signing off . . .
