Monday, May 16, 2011

This week is going better than normal. This is why:

- I cleaned my room this afternoon for the first time in six months. I found: A vintage cigarette tin given to me on my birthday that was in my chest of drawers, a wine-stained copy of Story of O that I actually need for essay-writing fun, five empty tobacco pouches (I tried to combine the remaining into one cigarette, but apparently I had already tried that. There is also none left in the bottom of my bag), a copy of some poetry that was due back at the library months ago, scales and many items of clothing that I thought lost.

- Even thought I'm $60 in debt to Blockbuster, when I take my DVDs back they will halve the fines! (no questions asked)

- It is winter, but not cold enough to ditch my new fingerless gloves. Crocheted by the third fastest crocheter in Australia of 2009. (yeah, I've got connections...)

- I finished all six seasons of The Office. To be honest it got boring after Pam and Jim started dating. The lack of sexual tension was a downer.

- I tried explaining Foucault to my housemate and it made sense to me (but not him). 500 words down and many many more to attempt.

- SisterAl bought me lunch and gave me three cigarettes.

- I cleared my debt to The Melbourne Uni library.

- I discovered now I can facebook stalk other people's tutors as well as my own! (for the record my current tutor's fb profile is private..)

Because of all of these things I am now considering the 'writing book' option for my future. Of course the offer for a $200 'impressive thinker' review is still on the table.

1 comment:

  1. Sexual tension is a must.

    While out trawling through the park in search of Artsy Dead Tree this morning (mission unsuccessful), I stumbled across a half-full tobacco pouch AND an unscathed cigarette and seriously considered taking up smoking for no reason other than that I am just a dirty opportunist. Inspected said tobacco pouch for signs of animal faeces/general detritus and consequently aborted mission.

    Have embarked on Wikipedia bender on Foucault as am feeling somewhat ignorant, or, am really just putting off writing Psych report on the link between binge drinking and cognitive impairment for as long as possible.

    Now seriously reconsidering the merits of binge drinking. Help!
