Saturday, August 6, 2011

Life back on track

One of my first posts here was about becoming the linch-pin of organised crime in the Brunswick area. Whilst I've yet to make any substantial deals with the local ruffians, I do live next door to suspected dealers and I have begun practicing my mad-skillz and intend to perform a hostile take-over of my tutorial. Here's what has conspired...

I have a gender-studies arch nemesis. We'll call her Sheila Greer - always talking about violence against women and other IAMWOMANHEARMEROAR atrocities. I'm not really into this business - I would much prefer to work away at an essay on True Blood, discuss why I want to bone Foucault's rotting corpse and name my first child after Judith Butler. Lets face it, drag makes for a better essay than patriarchy - so passe.

Anyway, Sheila Greer and I had a tutorial together last year and seemed fairly intent on arguing every point each other made. I seem to recall having a heated debate about niche porn and rape scenes. I have a penchent for rape-scenes - so visceral. They just seem to fall into an argument about horror films and post modernity. This is not to say I condone rape - obviously I do not, I just condone rape fantasies. I come across as less creepy that way.

Long story short we've made a pact to run our last gender studies tutorial as best as we can in order to silence our somewhat daft tutor who thinks that the term 'gender instability' has ambiguous political connotations (I know - what a cunt! How dare she have an opinion). So I figure I'm on my way to gangster-living because:

- I have organised a hostile take-over of someone else's domain.
- I have made a temporary peace agreement with my foe.
- It's all in the name of rendering someone incapable of work.
- There were witnesses. I have henchmen!

I'll leave you with this track. Whilst you listen to it, imagine me and Sheila Greer walking in slow motion towards the economics and commerce building of Melbourne uni with shot-guns in our pockets and stern faces. It all ends with an array of corpses in the G05 building near the water fountain at quarter past 5 next Wednesday afternoon.

Live in Fear of My Gender-Wrath!


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